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9-1-1 Sunday

Sunday, the 18th was Northside’s 19th year to host 9-1-1 Sunday where they honor the First Responders in the community.  It actually was pretty cool.  They had emergency vehicles spread out over the church parking lot with police and firemen milling about to talk with you and answer any questions.


Wade was THRILLED since they had some of his favorite things all together in one place!  There were firetrucks and motorcycles, police dogs and police boats, hazardous material equipment just like on Hurt Locker, a Tank and even a H-E-L-I-C-O-P-T-E-R! Way cool!
003 He was saying cheese, but just not looking at me!
004 Haylee and Aubrey
Even the “big boy” in the family enjoyed it!  :)  He was especially interested in the helicopter ( his secret love) and the motorcycles which according to the policemen went 0-160 mph in something like less than 10 seconds.  What “boy” wouldn’t love that?? 

It’s funny to see how much more Wade enjoyed it this year than last year…  The older they get the more they can actually appreciate.  I love it when his face lights up when he’s excited!  :)
006 He looked down over the edge when I asked him where the water was.  :)
007 Having a blast on the boat!
The First Responders stayed for the morning service and were treated to lunch on campus as well.  Our Pastor actually preached out of Psalm 91:1… Get it??  I thought that was a pretty nifty tie in…
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”
He pointed out that God is the ultimate refuge that we run to in our times of peril similar to how we run to the these personnel in the midst of a physical emergency.
The ultimate 911… Psalm 91:1.
Here’s some pics from Charlotte Observer from the day…
One Response to 9-1-1 Sunday
  1. Laurinda
    August 10, 2014 | 2:31 am

    There are many types of tiles available nowadays.
    The method of tile cleaning will depend more on the tile type.
    However there are couple of things to be followed to
    add the sheen and glow of the tiles.

    Do the regular floor cleaning
    Clean the spills as soon as they occur

    It is very crucial to clean dirt and water too as soon as they are split to prevent the stains.
    Place a doormat which helps in reduction of mud or dirt entering through

    There are basically following tile floors where in one will use the tile
    and grout cleaning process, types of tiles are as follow –


    Porcelain Tile cleaning

    Porcelain tiles maintenance is not difficult if the surface is cleaned regularly.

    The surface can be vacuum cleaned every day or just sweep it.
    The wet mopping is required once in a week. Use of mild floor cleaners will do for the mopping.

    One can make it at home by mixing vinegar and water.

    Ceramic Tile Cleaning

    The rule is followed here as well; remove the dirt as soon as possible.
    Vacuum clean the tiles every day or a simple broom can be used.
    Plain water or the special ceramic tile cleaners
    can be used for the wet mopping.

    Stone Tile Cleaning

    One need to be careful while cleaning the tiles made of stones as they are natural minerals.
    Never use harsh floor cleaners. Sweep or vacuum clean. After using any floor cleaner use a dry mop to soak any type of liquid residue.

    Grout Cleaning

    Along with the tile cleaning it is very important to regularly clean the grout, i.e.

    the lines between the tiles. Hence tile and grout cleaning goes simultaneously.

    Grout is porous in nature and attracts dirt,
    grease etc. The surface looks shabby if the grout is unclean.
    It can also be a cause of mildew or mould in the damp areas like bathrooms.
    It is best to have a seal (colour or clear) on the grout
    which will not only protect the surface but also acts as an anti-fungal agent.

    Many a times it gets difficult to maintain the floor due to hectic working schedules.
    Hence we come in picture and provide the tile and grout
    cleaning services to our clients at a very affordable price.
    Moreover the price depends on the type of the tiles, number of tiles
    and size of the tiles to be cleaned.

    Following steps are followed for the tile and grout cleaning after you
    contact us-

    Pre inspection of the tiles and floor.
    Shifting of the furniture, if any, from that space.
    Dry Sweeping of the surface
    Application of the suitable cleaning solution.
    Cleaning the surface with a soft pad.
    High pressure cleaning
    Mopping and drying the surface.

    We have our experts who carry special tools to do the tile
    and grout cleaning; the grout sealing is also
    done if ordered.

9-1-1 Sunday

Sunday, the 18th was Northside’s 19th year to host 9-1-1 Sunday where they honor the First Responders in the community.  It actually was pretty cool.  They had emergency vehicles spread out over the church parking lot with police and firemen milling about to talk with you and answer any questions.


Wade was THRILLED since they had some of his favorite things all together in one place!  There were firetrucks and motorcycles, police dogs and police boats, hazardous material equipment just like on Hurt Locker, a Tank and even a H-E-L-I-C-O-P-T-E-R! Way cool!
003 He was saying cheese, but just not looking at me!
004 Haylee and Aubrey
Even the “big boy” in the family enjoyed it!  :)  He was especially interested in the helicopter ( his secret love) and the motorcycles which according to the policemen went 0-160 mph in something like less than 10 seconds.  What “boy” wouldn’t love that?? 

It’s funny to see how much more Wade enjoyed it this year than last year…  The older they get the more they can actually appreciate.  I love it when his face lights up when he’s excited!  :)
006 He looked down over the edge when I asked him where the water was.  :)
007 Having a blast on the boat!
The First Responders stayed for the morning service and were treated to lunch on campus as well.  Our Pastor actually preached out of Psalm 91:1… Get it??  I thought that was a pretty nifty tie in…
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”
He pointed out that God is the ultimate refuge that we run to in our times of peril similar to how we run to the these personnel in the midst of a physical emergency.
The ultimate 911… Psalm 91:1.
Here’s some pics from Charlotte Observer from the day…
One Response to 9-1-1 Sunday
  1. Laurinda
    August 10, 2014 | 2:31 am

    There are many types of tiles available nowadays.
    The method of tile cleaning will depend more on the tile type.
    However there are couple of things to be followed to
    add the sheen and glow of the tiles.

    Do the regular floor cleaning
    Clean the spills as soon as they occur

    It is very crucial to clean dirt and water too as soon as they are split to prevent the stains.
    Place a doormat which helps in reduction of mud or dirt entering through

    There are basically following tile floors where in one will use the tile
    and grout cleaning process, types of tiles are as follow –


    Porcelain Tile cleaning

    Porcelain tiles maintenance is not difficult if the surface is cleaned regularly.

    The surface can be vacuum cleaned every day or just sweep it.
    The wet mopping is required once in a week. Use of mild floor cleaners will do for the mopping.

    One can make it at home by mixing vinegar and water.

    Ceramic Tile Cleaning

    The rule is followed here as well; remove the dirt as soon as possible.
    Vacuum clean the tiles every day or a simple broom can be used.
    Plain water or the special ceramic tile cleaners
    can be used for the wet mopping.

    Stone Tile Cleaning

    One need to be careful while cleaning the tiles made of stones as they are natural minerals.
    Never use harsh floor cleaners. Sweep or vacuum clean. After using any floor cleaner use a dry mop to soak any type of liquid residue.

    Grout Cleaning

    Along with the tile cleaning it is very important to regularly clean the grout, i.e.

    the lines between the tiles. Hence tile and grout cleaning goes simultaneously.

    Grout is porous in nature and attracts dirt,
    grease etc. The surface looks shabby if the grout is unclean.
    It can also be a cause of mildew or mould in the damp areas like bathrooms.
    It is best to have a seal (colour or clear) on the grout
    which will not only protect the surface but also acts as an anti-fungal agent.

    Many a times it gets difficult to maintain the floor due to hectic working schedules.
    Hence we come in picture and provide the tile and grout
    cleaning services to our clients at a very affordable price.
    Moreover the price depends on the type of the tiles, number of tiles
    and size of the tiles to be cleaned.

    Following steps are followed for the tile and grout cleaning after you
    contact us-

    Pre inspection of the tiles and floor.
    Shifting of the furniture, if any, from that space.
    Dry Sweeping of the surface
    Application of the suitable cleaning solution.
    Cleaning the surface with a soft pad.
    High pressure cleaning
    Mopping and drying the surface.

    We have our experts who carry special tools to do the tile
    and grout cleaning; the grout sealing is also
    done if ordered.