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17 weeks and Counting…

Time is ticking away steadily on the pregnancy calendar… somehow moving at a swift clip.  Faster than I remember my pregnancy with Wade moving.

I had my 17 week appointment yesterday and things are going well.  :)  I have gained 5 lbs in all so far which isn’t too bad, though it’s more than I had gained at this point with Wade.  I’m still 7 under what I was before the weight loss, which is good.

It is nice to be out of the first trimester and all the “loveliness” that accompanies it.  I have been feeling better which is nice…

Just 3 more weeks until my BIG ultrasound where we will hopefully find out the GENDER!!!  I am trying not to think about it lest I go mad with the possibilities and suspense.

Our insurance situation is somewhat complicated to say the least.  I feel as though I’ve been to see “Lisa the insurance specialist” at my doctor every time I go.   
Bear with me and hang in there for the hairy details…

With our positive pregnancy literally days before Chris’s job switch and as a result, our loss of insurance, it has made the last few months quite interesting, medically speaking.  Our COBRA election period was extended until May which is almost the end of Chris’s new insurance’s waiting period.  Soooo…. Chris deduced that we could wait it out basically until the absolute END of the COBRA election period and figure up which is more… the COBRA premiums of $3K+ or all the medical bills of the family from January 26th up to Maysomething. I’ve had several appointments and by then will have had 2 ultrasounds as well as Lab work, not to mention Wade’s ER visit just hours after our coverage ended.  We are thinking as of right now, we will come out ahead, just choosing to pay the bills ourselves instead of electing COBRA, but we shall see.  I absolutely know that this is going to result in an insurance paperwork nightmare of the highest order, but I think that saving some serious $$$ will make it worth it.

Here’s a few belly shots…

17weeks (2)
17weeks (3) 17weeks

One Response to 17 weeks and Counting…
  1. Ellen
    April 14, 2010 | 12:05 am

    Love the "belly shots" — you look great! Hope the insurance all works out…

    Can't wait to hear what you're having!!

17 weeks and Counting…

Time is ticking away steadily on the pregnancy calendar… somehow moving at a swift clip.  Faster than I remember my pregnancy with Wade moving.

I had my 17 week appointment yesterday and things are going well.  :)  I have gained 5 lbs in all so far which isn’t too bad, though it’s more than I had gained at this point with Wade.  I’m still 7 under what I was before the weight loss, which is good.

It is nice to be out of the first trimester and all the “loveliness” that accompanies it.  I have been feeling better which is nice…

Just 3 more weeks until my BIG ultrasound where we will hopefully find out the GENDER!!!  I am trying not to think about it lest I go mad with the possibilities and suspense.

Our insurance situation is somewhat complicated to say the least.  I feel as though I’ve been to see “Lisa the insurance specialist” at my doctor every time I go.   
Bear with me and hang in there for the hairy details…

With our positive pregnancy literally days before Chris’s job switch and as a result, our loss of insurance, it has made the last few months quite interesting, medically speaking.  Our COBRA election period was extended until May which is almost the end of Chris’s new insurance’s waiting period.  Soooo…. Chris deduced that we could wait it out basically until the absolute END of the COBRA election period and figure up which is more… the COBRA premiums of $3K+ or all the medical bills of the family from January 26th up to Maysomething. I’ve had several appointments and by then will have had 2 ultrasounds as well as Lab work, not to mention Wade’s ER visit just hours after our coverage ended.  We are thinking as of right now, we will come out ahead, just choosing to pay the bills ourselves instead of electing COBRA, but we shall see.  I absolutely know that this is going to result in an insurance paperwork nightmare of the highest order, but I think that saving some serious $$$ will make it worth it.

Here’s a few belly shots…

17weeks (2)
17weeks (3) 17weeks

One Response to 17 weeks and Counting…
  1. Ellen
    April 14, 2010 | 12:05 am

    Love the "belly shots" — you look great! Hope the insurance all works out…

    Can't wait to hear what you're having!!